An example of "the mind and body are mutually related" is immunity.
It is said that immunity can be controlled to some extent by oneself.
In order to control immunity,
It is important to take time to listen to the body's voice.
Please take a moment to conscious of the autonomic nerve at this time.
Autonomic nerve usually works regardless of our will,
Sometimes you can control it if you are conscious.
There are two sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves in the autonomic nerve.
Health is maintained by balanced working of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
The sympathetic nerve works when the breathing is shallow, the excitement / tension continues, the busy being chased, there is stress.
On the other hand, the parasympathetic nerve works when deeply breathing, relaxing.
In case
If you do your usual work such as work or domestic affairs, sympathetic nerves will continue to dominate. In such a case, please do a stretch, take a bath, etc. Please relax.
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